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Volunteer to Serve on a Code Development Committee

The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is accepting applications from individuals to serve on code development committees.

The CBHCC aims to achieve fairness and equity in its representation, and to eliminate barriers to designated groups from opportunities. You may choose to indicate in your submission if you are part of a designated group.

The CBHCC seeks individuals who are committed to supporting a harmonized code development system across Canada and who have expertise, interest, or experience in the areas addressed in the Codes, including but not limited to:
• building regulation (such as building officials, inspectors, and fire services, etc.);
• building design (such as designers, architects, engineers, technologists, etc.);
• manufacturers and construction specialists (such as material interests, equipment suppliers, material experts, building contractors and developers, etc.);
• building and facility operation and management;
• consumer interests (such as individuals from consumers’ associations, public interest groups, persons with lived experiences, persons with disabilities, etc.);
• building insurance and warranty practitioners;
• research, testing, teaching, and training (individuals from universities, laboratories, agencies, consultants, and other organizations involved in research, testing, and certification, teachers, instructors, and professors from academic programs, etc.); and
• standards development (individuals involved in the development of standards).

Individuals interested in participating in important national codes development work as a code development committee member are invited to submit their expression of interest using the electronic form here

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