As the new president of the Ontario Association of Architects, Settimo Vilardi plans to be the public voice of the OAA and to ensure the organization sees through its strategic plan.
“My platform that I ran on was just to continue to roll out the strategic plan that we had developed over the last two to three years because I was directly part of the planning process,” said Vilardi, who was previously the chair of the Windsor Region Society of Architects.
In addition to reconfirming the association’s commitment to its primary objective as the regulating body for the province’s architecture profession, the five-year strategic plan includes four primary pillars: regulatory leadership, governance and operations, member competency and public education.
These are looked at through the lens of climate action, climate stability, climate emergency, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
“Both climate and EDI should be informing any kinds of decisions we’re making,” he noted. “Within each of these foundational goals we have action items that we want to undertake and key progress indicators to know if we’re being successful in each of those goal areas.”