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Highlights from the 2021 Annual General Meeting

On Wednesday, June 16, OAA President Susan Speigel hosted the Association’s online Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members.

In addition to listing the Association’s Newly Licensed Members, the event included recognition of the new Members of Long Standing (individuals licensed with the OAA for more than 50 years), celebration of past OAA Councillors, addresses from President Speigel and Immediate Past-President Kathleen Kurtin, and financial presentations. There was also the addition of three new Honorary Members: Michael Copas, Wayne Medford, and Marta O’Brien.

You can watch the event in its entirety below, or keep reading for some of the highlights. 

Welcome and Introductions
President Speigel welcomed members watching through the OAA’s Virtual Conference Week platform, as well as those viewing the proceedings on the Association’s YouTube channel. She began the AGM with a recognition of traditional lands, affirming the OAA’s commitment to Reconciliation. The President introduced the current Members of Council.

Recognition of Members of Long Standing and Past OAA Councillors
Eight new Members of Long Standing were celebrated this year, marking 50 years of membership with the OAA. The following individuals were recognized by President Speigel, who provided a brief intro to their careers while images of their work were shown on screen. They are:
• Philip H. Carter;
• Stephen J-S Chang;
• Malcolm A. Freeman;
• David R.M. Johnston;
• David K. Mesbur;
• Marcus Scoler;
• James C. Strasman; and
• James M. Wright.

Some offered video greetings, and many will be profiled on the blOAAg in the weeks to come.

Executive Director Kristi Doyle then shared the contributions of former OAA Councillors whose terms had ended the year before, thanking them for their efforts and achievements. Those individuals included:
• Don Ardiel;
• Amir Azadeh;
• Jeremiah Gammond;
• Milda Miskinyte;
• Sarah Murray; and
• David C. Rich.

Voting: Minutes, Auditor, and Honorary Members
Throughout the AGM, OAA licensed members voted on various motions, including the Confirmation of Synopsis of Minutes of 130th Annual General Meeting as well as the appointment of the firm of Grant Thornton LLP Chartered Accountants as the OAA’s auditors for 2021. The membership also voted to approve the addition of three new individuals to the OAA as Honorary Members:
• Michael Copas (founder of StatsLog Software);
• Wayne Medford (former Lieutenant Governor in Council appointee); and
• Marta O’Brien (architectural historian).

The Honorary Member class is offered to those whose interests are related to those of the OAA as defined in Regulation 27 under the Architects Act as “…persons who have rendered to the architectural profession signal or valuable service or who have scrupulously upheld the objects of the Association.”

Presentation of 2020 Annual Report
Immediate Past-President Kurtin introduced the 2020 Annual Report, and reflected on the last year. “In 2020, Council continued its commitment to priorities established in 2019, but expanded them to include the education continuum, member engagement, and climate stability—all viewed through a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion,” she said. “Fortunately, these priorities had been set before the pandemic hit Ontario in March, making it possible to focus on these long-term priorities while still responding on a daily basis to the unfolding COVID-19 crisis.”

Kurtin also looked ahead to the importance of the climate crisis, which she has called the defining challenge of our time.
“As leaders charged with protecting the public interest, architects must play a significant role in improving the environmental impacts of both existing and new buildings. The OAA remains vigilant in its efforts to promote climate stability—an issue I feel is one of the defining challenges of our times—and has been collaborating with experts in the field, integrating sustainability criteria into its awards programs and other initiatives, and adding its voice to the call for climate action,” she said. To read the rest of her speech, click here.

Presentations on Finances and Pro-Dem
President Speigel presented the 2020 Financial Statements before being joined by Senior Vice President & Treasurer Agata Mancini to share information on the Association’s current finances, including a look at the OAA Headquarters and an exploration of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the Association’s operations, serving as a catalyst to adapt events and programming.

Joanne McCallum, Chair of Pro-Demnity Insurance Company, brought greetings to the AGM and highlighted a number of key initiatives and items of interest in her presentation to the membership.

President’s Address

The AGM concluded with an address by OAA President Speigel, who focused on the impacts of the pandemic, as well as the three focuses of Council this year: the People, the Profession, and the Planet.

She underscored several of the actions taken by the OAA with respect to equity, diversity, and inclusion, from demographic surveys and Conference themes to the work of task groups exploring steps toward Reconciliation.

“I want to underscore that this work is not done to pay lip service or earn favour with particular communities,” she said. “It is driven by the ongoing convictions of the members of Council who know that our profession is better when it reflects the diversity of people in Canada and the Province of Ontario, and who understand that, in order to uphold our mandate to protect the public interest, this work must get done.”

President Speigel also discussed the recent operational review of the OAA, saying it was the natural followup of an overall revitalization process that also include the renewed OAA Headquarters, a new logo and visual identity, and a redesigned website.

“With the support of the Governance Committee and Council, a review of the OAA’s operations was recently conducted with the overarching goal to review and ensure the Association is organized, resourced, and administered in an optimal manner in order to support the legislative mandate of the OAA along with the Vision, Mission, and strategic objectives of the OAA and Council,” she explained, offering more results in the months to come.

President Speigel concluded with a hopeful note, drawing on the words of Ojibwe author and broadcaster Jesse Wente, who kicked off this year’s Virtual Conference Week.
“Diversity and inclusion is the way of nature… Design like a forest. Plant so people you will never know will enjoy the shade.”

To read the entire President’s address, click here.

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