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Call for Proposals: 2024 OALA Conference

OALA members and individuals from allied and related professions are encouraged to submit a proposal to present at the 2024 OALA Conference at the Crowne Plaza Niagara Falls-Fallsview.

To support potential presenters in aligning their sessions with the conference theme, the OALA has developed a list of essential questions. You are encouraged to review the document and consider these questions when submitting your proposal.

Submit your proposal by June 30, 2024!

Proposals will be reviewed by the following criteria:
• Relevance of the proposal to the conference theme
• Clarity of intended session objectives/learning outcomes
• Relevance across OALA membership types
• Appropriate engagement of conference participants (for presentations and panels)
• Overall clarity and timeliness of the proposal

Proposal Formats:
• Presentation (60 minutes – October 18): A live 60-minute session on a specific topic designed to share knowledge and develop skills and expertise among participants. This format should include at least 10 minutes of Q&A.

• Panel Discussion/Roundtable Discussion (60 minutes – October 18): With a panel of colleagues, address different topics related to the conference theme and/or its essential questions. Panel and Roundtable discussions may be comprised of proposals made with the same or opposing points of view. We encourage you to submit a proposal that you feel strongly about, even if you feel you do not have enough material for a full hour. The selection committee will help you locate additional speakers to join your discussion.

• Tour (up to 2 hours – October 17): Take conference attendees on a tour of a local landscape architecture site. The tours must be available to welcome conference attendees on October 17 in Niagara Falls. The selection of the chosen location will be determined based on proximity to the conference site and alignment with the theme.

All presenters will be responsible for any expenses relating to their participation. This includes travel, accommodations, and registration to attend the conference.

Presentations must remain politically neutral and non-partisan to any special interest groups, affiliations or associations.

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