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Architecture, Architectural History, and Heritage Internships: Applications due April 5, 2024

Arts-based internships are open to students at the University of Toronto through the Department of Art History. Offered as a course credit (FAH 481 H1), these internships provide advanced third- and fourth-year University of Toronto students with the opportunity to work with local organizations for a semester or academic session.

The program offers a number of internship placements for the Spring 2024 term for students interested in architecture, architectural history, heritage, and more. Placements are part-time, ranging from 12-15 hours per week for 8 weeks, beginning the week of May 6 (see individual listings for any special requirements/availability).

Participating organizations:
• ACO Toronto/TO Built (Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, Toronto branch)
• Art Dealers Association of Canada
• National Trust for Canada
• Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE)
• Olga Korper Gallery
• Toronto Society of Architects

Interested students should send an application by April 5, 2024 to Dr. Jessica Mace (

Applications should include:
1) a letter of interest (including any relevant coursework or experience); and
2) a resume.
Please indicate to which posting(s) you are applying. If you are interested in more than one posting, you do not need to submit more than one application.

This project is supported by the Learning & Education Advancement Fund at the University of Toronto. Find out more about the program here.

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