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Requirements for Integrated System Testing – Get to Know CAN/ULC-S1001

Compliance with a standard referenced by the building code is no different than compliance with what is written in the building code. Are your specifications written to require compliance with CAN/ULC S1001? Do your construction contract administration processes incorporate the reviews and reporting required by integrated systems testing?

CAN/ULC-S1001 Standard for Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems is mandated by reference in the National Building Code (NBC) Division B, Sentences &, the National Fire Code (NFC) Sentence, and starting January 1, 2020 by the Ontario Building Code (OBC) Division B, Sentence This CAN/ULC standard provides the methodology for verifying and documenting that the interconnections between fire protection and life safety systems are functioning as required.

Where fire protection, life safety systems, or other systems with fire protection or life safety functions (e.g. elevators, pressurization fans, and emergency generators) are integrated, the integrated system as a whole must be tested and the operation of the various components confirmed. In the past, the individual systems were tested in isolation. CAN/ULC-S1001 requires integrated testing.

Members and their consultant teams should familiarize themselves with the requirements of CAN/ULC-S1001 and discuss them with their client/building owner. The standard advises confirming the Integrated Testing Coordinator is designated and will produce the Integrated Testing Plan for review by the consultants prior to implementation and production of the Integrated Testing Report; and the consultants will cooperate with the Integrated Testing Coordinator by providing appropriate information in a timely manner, and working to resolve issues identified.

Practices can purchase the standard via the ULC online store.

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