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Renewals for Individuals and Practices Now Due

If you have not yet paid your OAA Individual renewal for 2022, it is available online. Architects and Licensed Technologists OAA who have not renewed by February 28 incur a $168 late fee. Those who have not paid by March 31 will be cancelled on April 1.

Click here to access the online Individual renewals.

The Individual renewal also includes a link to participate in the OAA’s second annual Demographic Survey. Administered by Stratcom, this voluntary, confidential survey helps the OAA measure its progress and develop relevant programs as it works to better ensure equity, diversity, and inclusion in the architecture profession.

The annual Practice renewal was also sent via special email earlier this week to the current Certificate of Practice email on file with the OAA’s Office of the Registrar.

Your Practice account is separate from your Individual account. You will need to use your Practice information to log into the Practice Invoice. You can retrieve your information by looking at last year’s Practice invoice for the unique OAA ID. Your username is OAA followed by the ID number.

If you require any assistance, email

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