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Recent Legislative Changes at the National and Provincial Levels

Over the recent months, the industry has seen a flurry of updates to codes and standards, both at the national and provincial levels.

After much anticipation, the 2020 National Model Codes have been released. Changes include a tiered energy performance path as well as the introduction of whole-building airtightness testing in complying with air leakage requirements.

At the provincial level, the government notified through CodeNews 329 (“Amending the Building Code to transition provisions from the Temporary Health or Residential Facilities Emergency Order”) and 331 (“Interim Amendments to the 2012 Building Code”) of changes to provisions for temporary shelters and health facilities under the Temporary Health and Residential Facilities Emergency Order as well as a series of updates under the More Homes for Everyone Act.

The Electrical Safety Authority, in Episode 6 of its Grounded in Ontario podcast, informed the public of the release of the 2021 update to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.

The OAA encourages members to make themselves aware of these changes, some of which are already in effect.

National Model Codes 2020 Now Available

The latest, updated editions of the National Model Codes—including the National Building Code of Canada 2020, the National Fire Code of Canada 2020, the National Plumbing Code of Canada 2020, and the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020—are now available. Developed by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC), and published by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), these codes include nearly 400 updates and replace the 2015 and 2017 editions.

The 2020 National Model Codes are available for free, in electronic format, through the NRC Publications Archive and for purchase, in printed format, from the NRC Virtual Store.

Multiple Interim Amendments to the 2012 Ontario Building Code Starting April 29, 2022

As reported in CodeNews 331 (issued May 3, 2022), members should take note these amendments are scheduled to come into effect on the following dates:

  • Multi-residential modular construction: July 1, 2022;
  • Allowing Encapsulated mass timber buildings up to 12 storeys: July 1, 2022;
  • Support local building official internship programs: July 1, 2022;
  • New provisions to allow early and partial occupancy of super-tall buildings (i.e. 65 storeys or more): November 1, 2022; and
  • Exempt sheds of up to 15 square metres in area from Building Code requirements (subject to technical conditions): immediate.

The changes were filed on April 29, 2022 (refer to Ontario Regulation 451/22 made under the Building Code Act 1992). The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing made many of those changes to support the More Homes for Everyone Act.

This implementation schedule differs from what had been the typical January 1 effective date. Members should consider a thorough review of these changes and discuss them with clients as they impact current projects, as well as new ones.

On April 28, CodeNews 329 reported measures related to the Building Code contained in the Temporary Health or Residential Facilities Emergency Order (O. Reg. 141/20) were incorporated into the Building Code (O. Reg. 434/22). The order, part of the Reopening Ontario Act, was revoked on April 27, 2022. The Issue further informed that complementary changes to Ontario Regulation 144/20 under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 have also been made (O. Reg. 437/22) by the Ministry of the Solicitor General respecting exemptions under the Ontario Fire Code. 

To review the OAA’s submissions/comments to the public consultations that were launched for these OBC 2012 changes earlier this year, consult the OAA’s Government Portal.

Ontario Electrical Safety Code (O. Reg. 777/21) - Updates related to Energy Storage Systems

On May 5, 2022, the 2021 Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC) came into effect. 

This edition comprises Part 1 of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), which was updated by the Canadian Standards Association in January 2021 and includes Ontario-specific amendments. The Code reflects changes in technology and the market, including feedback from stakeholders, technical reviews, and new safety insights.

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