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Province Offering In-person Sessions on the New Building Code: Sign Up Now!

 As announced in CodeNews 362, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is hosting eight in-person information sessions across the province to explain technical and administrative changes in Ontario’s new Building Code.


The first four sessions have been announced, with Toronto already sold out. The three with space remaining are:

-       Clarington/Newcastle: October 24 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm;

-       Huntsville:  November 6 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm; and

-       Barrie: November 13 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.


Capacity is strictly limited, and interested OAA members should register via the links above at their earliest convenience. Due to space limitations, attendees will be required to show proof of registration.

Four other sessions are planned for Ottawa, London, Sudbury, and Thunder Bay. More information will be shared once available.


You can read more about the new code, including how to access previous webinar recordings from MMAH and technical bulletins, on the OAA Website. You can also watch a September 2024 OAA Continuing Education Webinar, “Navigating Ontario’s New 2024 Building Code,” on the Association’s YouTube channel.

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