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OPPI Conference: Call for Proposals Now Open

Call for proposals is open from January 22 to March 1, 2024.

The Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) is hosting their annual conference in Hamilton, Ontario, this fall. From September 25 to 27, the OPPI conference will explore how Registered Professional Planners (RPPs) navigate the profession’s rapidly changing landscape to emerge as qualified leaders who bring communities together in the public interest. This is your chance to present in person at their most talked about event of the year. All OPPI members and non-members are invited to submit a proposal.

To guide you in aligning your presentation with the conference themes, OPPI has developed a list of essential questions which identify specific areas of focus within each theme. You are encouraged to review the essential questions and consider them when submitting your presentation. Learn more about these essential questions here

As a result of wider societal conversations, the work of OPPI's task forces, and member feedback, the following major educational priorities have been identified. 

Presentations that indicate their plans to address one or more of these priorities are encouraged:
Indigenous histories, cultures, and perspectives, unceded, unsurrendered Land, Treaties and other reciprocal agreements, sovereignty and self-determination, inherent Indigenous and Treaty rights, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
Anti-Black racism, systemic discrimination, and institutional racism.
Equity, diversity, and inclusion principles, and representation in planning.
Women and gender diversity in planning.
Climate change, climate science, mitigation, and adaptation.

OPPI encourages you to think of submitting content via any of these delivery methods:
Concurrent Sessions 
Research/Academic Presentations 
Student Presentations
Guided Excursions 
Student Posters 
Lightning Talks

Contact with any questions. 

OPPI suggests all presentations be hybrid compatible, as all sessions will be both in-person and live-streamed for virtual audiences. Please consider delegate accessibility needs in your proposal.

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