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OAA Council Highlights: March 2022

Updates from the Virtual Meetin

The OAA’s governing Council held its second regular meeting of 2022, connecting via Zoom on March 3 to discuss such topics as long-term strategic planning, a submission to Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) national validation conference, appointments to the Pro-Demnity Insurance Board, and the 2021 audited financial statements.

To see the complete meeting information package, visit the OAA Council webpage.


Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an essential action OAA Council takes in collaboration with Association staff to align vision, direction, and operations for the regulator of Ontario’s architecture profession. In February, Council and members of staff participated in three virtual sessions led by McLaughlin & Associates to lay the groundwork for a strategic plan that will serve as a guiding roadmap for the next five years.

The process included a considerable amount of upfront consultation with staff, current and past members of Council, Local Architectural Society chairs, as well as other stakeholder groups. This consultative work coupled with these three  workshops led to a solid  framework, which includes strategic goal statements, priorities, and metrics, that was shared with Council at its March meeting.

Encompassing topics such as regulatory leadership, governance and operations, member competency, and public education, the final report with be shared with the OAA membership as part of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Conference in May.


Audited financial Statements

Council approved the 2021 financial statements, which had previously been reviewed by the OAA Audit Committee on February 23. The OAA’s auditors, Grant Thornton LLP, Chartered Accountants indicated that, subject to receipt of the remaining inputs outstanding as of February 15 “the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position … as of November 30, 2021 and its results of operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.” Grant Thornton has also been reappointed to handle the 2022 audit.

Highlights from the Statement of Operations include:

  • annual fees (including membership) and related revenue increased due to a continued rise in membership numbers and in Certificate of Practice fees;
  • Examination for Architects in Canada (ExAC), Conference, and annual meeting revenue increased significantly because the 2020 ExAC writing and Conference were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and therefore revenue was deferred to 2021;
  • sales of publications were reopened;
  • salary and benefits reflect an increase related to new hires, which included the overlap of existing and new staff to account for appropriate training;
  • increase in building, office services, and operating in relation to a penalty incurred for moving the mortgage—though this fee will be offset over the next five years with savings in interest rates; and
  • legal fees increase due primarily to a rise in discipline costs and a refresh of the OAA’s standard architectural contract documents.


OAA Submission to CACB National Validation Conference 2022

Council endorsed the proposed topic for the OAA’s issue paper submission to the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) National Validation Conference in October. As proposed by the Association’s Comprehensive Education Committee, the paper will focus on the question, “Are architecture students currently offered adequate exposure to the practice of architecture, ensuring a reasonable transition from school to practice?”

This focus stems in part from a 2021 mentorship survey, administered for the OAA by Stratcom, which revealed licensed and retired members agree that students would benefit from additional exposure to the profession while pursuing their architecture degree. The paper will also use data from a national survey of Intern Architects conducted by the Regulatory Organizations of Architecture in Canada (ROAC, formerly Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities [CALA]) in 2013.

While it is apparent schools of architecture are required to provide exposure to the profession, this paper will ask whether the efficacy or ‘breadth’ of these exposures is truly measured and students are offered adequate exposure to the practice of architecture.

The Committee will submit a final issue paper draft to Council for approval at the May meeting.


Appointments to Pro-Dem Board

The OAA Council has three interlocking directors on the board of Pro-Demnity Insurance Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Association. By virtue of office, one of these is the Senior Vice President & Treasurer, currently held by Settimo Vilardi. In addition to the SVP, two other Councillors were selected for a two-year term: Bill Birdsell and Lara McKendrick. These appointments will be officially made at the annual meeting of the Shareholder (scheduled for March 30). At that time, Pro-Demnity’s Nominations Committee will put forward a final slate of proposed directors on which Council can vote.


Next Meeting

The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled to be in person for the first time in more than two years. It will be part of the OAA Conference, and held at Hotel X on May 10. Its meeting package will be publicly posted on the OAA Website. Anyone interested in attending the open session (which usually begins in early afternoon) should contact Tina Carfa for additional information.
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