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OAA Announces New Scholarships

The OAA has expanded its scholarships program to better support those wishing to pursue studies in architecture. As decided at the final 2021 Council meeting, the Association is introducing an additional set of scholarships—“Exceptional Leadership Through Design Excellence: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and Truth & Reconciliation”—to be administered at the discretion of each of the Ontario Schools of Architecture. As the name implies, the intent is to recognize students with exemplary work related to these topics.

The new scholarships are similar to the existing “Exceptional Leadership Through Design Excellence: Sustainability” awards, in that the OAA will provide two annual scholarships to be awarded to two individual students. For the new scholarships, they are applicable to those in any year of the undergraduate or graduate programs.

Further to this decision, OAA Council has also determined the value of each OAA Scholarship will be increased from $2000 to $2500.
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