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New CCDC Document Updates: CCDC 16, 20, 220, 221, and 222

The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) has unveiled a series of new documents for the construction industry in Canada.


As of May 21, the following documents have been released and are now ready for purchase through CCDC’s document outlets:

The updated CCDC 20 provides invaluable insights for all parties involved in contract administration, offering best practice recommendations and explanations of standard contracts and procedures. It should be noted the previous CCDC 20 was a guide to CCDC 2-2008, so this is new content.

The updated CCDC 16 explains everything you need to know about changes, including claims under the contracts and when change orders, change directives, and supplemental instructions should be used.

The updated CCDC 220, 221, and 222 now incorporate the Ready-for-Takeover project milestone and introduce further clarity, collaboration, and responsiveness on the part of the surety.

CCDC 20–2024 and CCDC 220, 221, and 222–2024 are available for purchase at the OAA Store.

This article originally appeared in the Practice Advisory, a newsletter developed by the OAA’s Practice Advisory Services team, which offers numerous resources for both members and the public.

The OAA does not provide legal, insurance, or accounting advice. Readers are advised to consult their own legal, accounting, or insurance representatives to obtain suitable professional advice in those regards.

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