A renovation can be triggered by various factors, including water intrusion issues, delaminating exterior finishes, cold walls, and new fire and energy performance regulations. Often, a range of issues happening with increasing frequency indicate it is time for an update. Regardless of what prompts a renovation, it is an opportunity to build back better, enhance the building’s performance, and ensure good building science is followed.
Give that building a jacket
Exterior wall assemblies are like multitasking performance jackets—they withstand longer lifespans while protecting against changing weather conditions, safeguarding interior environments, and promoting occupant health and well-being.
However, sometimes, a building needs a new jacket, and retrofitting for an esthetic refresh also provides an opportunity to enhance the wall assembly’s performance. Key components required include proper continuous air sealing and water-resistive barriers, thermal insulation, and a rainscreen ventilation cavity. These elements collectively form a high-performance exterior wall assembly.