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Elevate Your Expertise with ConEd Learning at Next Month’s Conference

Register now for the OAA Conference, Designing for Dignity, to earn up to 21 Structured Continuing Education credits through engaging sessions led by international industry experts. Explore various topics like as long-term care, livability, cultural integrity, and cutting-edge new building materials and design approaches in both classroom and in-situ experiential formats. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise. Visit the OAA website to browse the session selections that include:

  • MSoA M.Arch Thesis Work: Toward a Healthier Sudbury”: join McEwen School of Architecture graduates as they present their thesis projects, focused on health, dignity, sustainability, and community engagement in Sudbury, complemented by an exhibition of student work;
  • The Power of Pre-Design”: discover the power of the pre-design process and its potential to create impactful and equitable spaces as architect Valerie Dawn shares insights and strategies to reclaim this essential phase; and,
  •  Building Equality(ies) in Architecture - BEA(N): Building Coalitions”: gain valuable insights into the lived experiences, perspectives, and contributions of award-winning female architects from the Building Equality in Architecture North (BEA[N]) Advisory Board, and learn about the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion in design.
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Events Calendar

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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.