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Council Highlights: September 23, 2021

News from the Latest Virtual Meeting Held by OAA Council

OAA Council met virtually on Thursday, September 23 to review and approve various items related to the Association and the profession. In addition to various updates and discussions from the Executive and Committee Chairs, Councillors explored topics including an operational review, next year’s Conference, and new OAA contracts and documents. (You can see the complete agenda and meeting notes for this and other OAA Council meetings by clicking here.)


OAA Operational Review

From February to June 2021, the OAA undertook its first operational review, prompted as part of a broader refresh strategy that included major building renovations, a new website, and new visual identity. Conducted by G. Vergillio and Associates (engaged through an RFP process), the review’s objective was to ensure the Association is organized, resourced, and administered in an optimal manner while remaining in the context of its legislative mandate, vision, mission, and strategic objectives.


The comprehensive consultation phase included a review of key OAA documents and policies as well as individual and group interviews with staff, existing and past members of Council, and leaders of other allied organizations.


The findings confirmed the OAA is an organization of tremendous strengths; financially strong and regarded as a thought leader, it has a very positive relationship with outside organizations and stakeholders. It also confirmed areas in which the OAA has gaps or room for improvement. The resulting recommendations have provided a framework to build on strengths and address weaknesses.


Watch for more information on the operational review in the coming months.


Proposed Conference Theme and Program

Over the course of the summer, a working group of Council consisting of the Senior Vice President & Treasurer and the Vice Presidents Communications and Education worked with staff and conference planners MCC to develop a model for the 2022 OAA Conference. The main objective for next year’s program is to build on the successes the virtual format brought, as well as returning to in-person events at the booked venues that had been contracted for the cancelled 2020 Conference.


Programming for next year’s Conference will comprise both in-person and virtual events. A proposed draft schedule makes use of the spaces the OAA has already reserved at the Beanfield Centre and Toronto Event Centre from May 11 to 13, 2022 and includes ample consideration for between-session cleaning required during the pandemic.


As was the case last year, the Continuing Education sessions are reduced in number given the various factors. While this impacts some of the choice between seminars, there is still the opportunity to earn approximately the same amount of Structured Learning hours as in the past.


Sessions will draw from both a call for presenters issued next month as well as proactive selections of a wide and diverse array of experts from the world of architecture and beyond.  Stay tuned for more information and details of the final program.


Additionally, the following was approved as the conference theme, which will serve to drive selection of speakers and focus of special events.


INSPIRING CLIMATE ACTION: As we continue to cope with a global pandemic, another challenge—the climate emergency—needs our attention and creative solutions.

Our planet faces unimaginable disaster. Buildings new and old must be resilient not only in the face of quickly changing climate patterns and disasters, but also in terms of carbon and energy efficiency.

The time for talking and planning has passed. We now need action!

The architecture profession must insert creative thinking into the climate discussion. This is our most valuable contribution to the collaborative decisions that need to be made.

The 2022 OAA Conference will showcase creative ideas and sustainable projects that explore architectural thinking applied to the climate crisis.

We aim to inspire you!


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & Truth and Reconciliation Working Group

The OAA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & Truth and Reconciliation Working Group presented its report and showed off the new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion page (to debut later in October) as well as the Indigenous Architecture page (to debut on September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation), both of which will be located in the Resources section of the OAA Website.


Additionally, Council approved the 39 recommendations proposed by the Working Group, which will begin working with the appropriate parties to implement. Details of the recommendations will be posted to the OAA Website.


OAA Documents and Contracts

The Vice President Practice and the OAA’s Practice Advisory Services (PAS) team presented the results of two major initiatives that have involved much work over the last two years.


Up first was the Supplementary Conditions for the Stipulated Price Contract–CCDC 2-2020 document—the result of close collaborative efforts and negotiations between the OAA and the Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA). They also presented the new OAA 600-2021 Contract and its Guide, which had been reviewed by external legal counsel, Pro-Demnity Insurance Co., and the Practice Resource Committee (PRC). The review of the contract was done by construction law specialists with a history of representing architects, engineers, and both private- and public-sector clients.


Both documents were approved. PAS also offered a progress update on other components of the OAA Contract Suite project as well as next steps for the upcoming months.


Additional Items

Council approved the draft questions for an upcoming mentorship survey being planned by the OAA Interns Committee, as well as discussed the content for a proposed information session for candidates in this year’s OAA Elections. There was also approval of the topic of the OAA’s submission to the (CACB) national validation conference planned for next year.


Councillors also agreed to the meeting dates for OAA Council in 2022. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, November 24 via Zoom. Those OAA members interested in attending the open session (which usually begins in early afternoon) should contact Tina Carfa for the link and additional information.

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