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Council Highlights: September 2024

The OAA’s governing Council met in Toronto on Thursday, September 19, 2024 to discuss a variety of topics related to the Association and the architecture profession. It received updates on OAA operational programming, as well as made decisions regarding the 2025 Conference program, important updates to Practice Tips, funding of the TEUI 3.0 program, and the appointment of an auditor.

OAA Conference 2025

Council approved a draft schedule of the 2025 Conference, Reshaping Communities, which will be held at the Ottawa Westin Hotel from May 14 to 16. This framework for Conference programming was developed after consultation with Council, staff, and consultant MCC Destination Management, which included an August brainstorming session and reviewing feedback from this year’s event in Niagara Falls.

As usual, Council and Local Architectural Society Chair meetings will take place the day before Conference. Sponsoring exhibitors will also be given access to the Lounge, which will serve as a hub for the duration of the Conference, with both special events and dedicated networking/visiting opportunities throughout. The overall area is highly walkable, and much thought is being given to mass-yet-streamlined transportation for off-site experiential learning and special events.

Wednesday will feature a “prix-fixe” approach to the day’s learning in that there will be a series of consecutive large-room sessions attended by all delegates. This format simplifies registration and selection processes, streamlines the listings and usability of the OAA Website, and enhances the feeling of community and networking for Conference, as delegates will learn together. In addition to this onsite format, there will also be Experiential Learning sessions occurring off site and “Ask the Experts” sponsored lunch learning. The evening would then feature an Opening Night event hosted in concert with the Ottawa Regional Society of Architects (ORSA).

On Thursday, Breakfast or Lunch and Learns will return for sponsored learning options, as well as the familiar format of choose-a-session for Continuing Education, with up to four in-classroom sessions and four Experiential Learning sessions running concurrently in both the morning and again in the afternoon. The evening President's Reception would be in the Conference Lounge, followed by the SHIFT 2025 Challenge Celebration and the traditional Archifête party, which will be offsite and feature food, cash bar, and entertainment.

Friday will includes sponsored learning over breakfast, as well as in-classroom ConEd sessions and Experiential Learning opportunities. Similar to 2024, an in-person Closing Plenary session will conclude Conference; it will provide recognition of new Honorary Members and Past Councillors, alongside a learning session selected by the ConEd Advisory Group based on proposals submitted.

This Conference program has been designed to achieve a break-even budget, with registration costs being adjusted. Overall, there will be up to 20 available Structured Learning hours for individuals.

Practice Tip Updates

Council approved the updates of two Practice Tips.

First, the launch of the OAA Contract Suite 2021 resulted in a need to update Practice Tip PT.25 Design-Build: OAA 600 –2013. As this resource provides a template for amendments to the OAA’s standard form of contract when the design-builder is the client, external legal counsel, Pro-Demnity Insurance Co., the Association’s Practice Resource Committee (PRC) and an advisory group of architects were involved with the review process. More information will be included in the next OAA Practice Advisory newsletter.

Practice Tip PT.30, Retention of Specialist Consultants, required a number of housekeeping updates, including those to reflect Pro-Demnity’s policy updates made earlier this year related to retaining owner’s specialist consultants, which included edits to make it clear that insurance coverage does not include the “performance or engagement of geotechnical engineering services or services that constitute the practice of cadastral and professional surveying.”

TEUI 3.0

The OAA’s Communications and Public Education Committee (CPEC) put forth a Public Awareness Sponsorship funding request for Council’s consideration, with the decision to support Thomson Architecture for TEUI 3.0.

The OAA worked with Andy Thomson to develop the online Total Energy Use Intensity (TEUI) Calculator as an easy tool for architects and the public to rate existing building energy use and carbon emissions. TEUI 2.0 launched in 2023, answering a need for more detailed inputs with some limited “predictive” power and a way to isolate thermal energy demand intensity (TEDI) metrics from TEUI in order to be used as a design tool. This third iteration addresses the next phase of the project’s evolution; a preview can be seen at

Exploring Potential Changes to In-Person Learning


Toronto Society of Architects (TSA) Chair Ana-Francisca de la Mora and Executive Director Joël León made a deputation to members of Council, requesting a change to criteria for Structured Learning hours under the OAA’s Continuing Education Program. This would allow for TSA tours to be counted toward Structured Learning for OAA members. Council will deliberate on this proposed update in the near future.


Appointment of Auditor

Council accepted the proposal from BDO Canada LLP for auditing services for fiscal 2024. Council was required to appoint a new auditor following the decision of Grant Thornton to withdraw. In accordance with the OAA Bylaws, a resolution will be advanced to the membership at next year’s Annual General Meeting to appoint the auditor for the fiscal 2025 year.

Next Meeting

As always, the OAA publicly posts Council agenda and meeting information packages on the OAA Website. Anyone interested in virtually attending an open session is able to contact Tina Carfa for the link and additional information. The next meeting—the final for this year—takes place on Friday, December 6, 2024.

Council also approved the meeting dates for 2025, which will be posted on the OAA Website later this year. The dates are January 23–24 (including a Strategic Plan Review and Council Governance Workshop Planning Session), March 6, May 13, June 19, September 18, and November 28. The 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place as a virtual event on April 8.

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