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Council Highlights: November 4, 2021

News from the Latest Virtual Meeting Held by OAA Council

OAA Council met virtually on Thursday, November 4 to review and approve various items related to the Association and the profession. This included discussion on a particular document the Office of the Registrar has been refining. The resource, “Professional Requirements for the Built Environment in Ontario: The Practice of Architecture–Protected Scope and Use of Title,” is part of ongoing education efforts working with the municipalities and will be finalized shortly and posted on the OAA Website.

Council also approved a new policy where any individual—including Council, Committee members, and staff—visiting the OAA Headquarters and remaining on the premises will be required to provide proof of full vaccination status. Contractors, couriers, and delivery personnel do not need to show such proof, but are permitted solely in the stairwell and the immediate reception area. Personal protective equipment must be worn by these individuals at all times.

In addition to these topics, and various updates from the Executive and Committee Chairs, Councillors explored the items below. (You can see the complete information package for this and other OAA Council meetings by clicking here.)

OAA Draft 2022 Operating and Capital Budget
Council approved the operating and capital budgets for the Association, which has its fiscal year beginning December 1. Before the Council meeting, the OAA Budget Committee met with the Executive Director and Manager of Finance to review options to create a balanced budget. It reflects a membership fee increase of 3.7%, based on July’s Consumer Price Index. (There was no increase in 2021 due to considerations for the economic impacts of the pandemic.)

Increases include responses to recommendations resulting from the OAA’s recent operational review as it pertains to IT, human resources, and strategic planning. There are also higher costs related to complaints and discipline to strengthen the Association’s regulatory process and outcomes. Similarly, increases have been allocated to legal budgets in anticipation of the next steps in review of the various OAA contracts and resources, as well as for their French translation.

The Statement of Members Equity budget reflected an allocation of $154,000 to the Major Capital Reserve, $40,000 to Legal Reserve, and $100,000 to the Operating Reserve. The Major Capital Reserve is specifically budgeted in response to the Reserve Fund Study commissioned by the Building Committee; a 30-year plan, any surplus at year end will be allocated to the reserve funds.

Council approved the addition of several individuals as Life Members among those who have resigned their membership in good standing, currently hold status as a Retired Member, and have reached the age of 75. Council also approved the appointment of eight new Members of Long Standing—those recognized for having been architects with the OAA for at least 50 years.

Long-Term Care Research Project
OAA Council received an update on a University of Toronto research project, “Reimagining Eldercare in a Post-COVID Ontario,” jointly funded by the OAA and Jacobs Consultancy Canada. The current phase of the research project entails a comprehensive literature review of evidence-based studies and theory, identifying exemplary long-term care case study facilities, and drafting evidence-based guidelines for facility planning and design. The second phase will entail facility performance assessments and the finalization of architectural design guidelines for long-term care facilities.

The OAA hopes the final recommendations will provide valuable information to architects operating in the long-term care space, and will help inform Ministry of Long-Term Care directives as the government strives to add 30,000 long-term care spaces over the next decade.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
A final report was presented to Council by the OAA’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Truth & Reconciliation Report Working Group, which will now be sunset while various projects and programs continue. It was agreed the Association’s Annual Report will now include updates on the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiatives at the OAA. Further, Council approved the creation of two new annual scholarships under the OAA’s existing program for students enrolled in the Ontario Schools of Architecture, with more details being brought forward at its next meeting.


As part of the VP Communications report, Council also heard plans for next year’s Conference, “Inspiring Climate Action,” which will be held in-person in Toronto from May 11 to 13, 2022. In addition to events held at the Beanfield Centre, there are plans for allowing hybrid virtual access by livestreaming six Continuing Education sessions, two special events, and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Additionally, eight Sponsored Sessions (formerly “Lunch and Learns”) would be offered both to individuals in breakout rooms at the venue as well as offered to those virtually attending the livestreamed Conference for Structured Learning.

Other Discussions
After a presentation from Andrew Davies of No.9, organizers of the “Imagining My Sustainable Community” program, Council agreed to offer $25,000 in sponsorship support.

The next regular Council meeting will be held on Friday, December 10 via Zoom. Among the topics planned for discussion will be the results of the recently completed mentorship experience survey. That data is currently being studied by the Interns Committee and will inform any future initiatives undertaken by the OAA.

Anyone interested in attending the open session (which usually begins in early afternoon) should contact Tina Carfa for the link and additional information.

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