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Council Highlights: June 20, 2024

The OAA’s governing Council met in Toronto on June 20 to discuss a variety of topics related to the Association and the architecture profession. It received updates on OAA operational programming, heard the findings of the Landscape Design Competition jury, and made decisions regarding Committee appointments, Continuing Education (ConEd) policies, and the theme for the SHIFT2025 Challenge.

As always, the OAA publicly posts Council agenda and meeting information packages on the OAA Website. Anyone interested in virtually attending an open session is able to contact Tina Carfa for the link and additional information. (The next meeting takes place on September 19.)

New OAA Representative to Daniels Curriculum Committee

OAA Council approved Jacek Gorka’s appointment as the OAA’s representative to the University of Toronto John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design’s School Curriculum Committee for a three-year term commencing September 2024. The previous representative, Hadi R. Khouzam, is thanked for their contributions in their role.

Amendments to ConEd Policies

With the OAA’s mandatory ConEd Program undergoing efforts to modernize its non-compliance aspects, some policies have been amalgamated and streamlined. At Council’s previous May 21 meeting, it approved a recommendation to amend the previous tiered ConEd non-compliance fines with a single fee of $750. This is now reflected in the OAA Bylaws, Schedule A, and will be subject to ratification of the membership at the next Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM) in the spring of 2025.

Council also approved a new ConEd Policy that combines and makes more efficient seven previous policies into a single, consolidated document. Beyond housekeeping and concision, the notable change that will be communicated to members involves a revision to the current proof of attendance requirements related to Structured Learning.

Beginning with the 2024–26 reporting cycle, members are no longer required to upload proof of completion documents for Structured Learning Hours for activities offered outside the OAA. This transcript upload process has been a source of frustration expressed by members for some time.

Members must still report the hours and title of the learning activity to their transcripts, but will only need to keep documents substantiating proof of attendance for six months after the end of the reporting cycle. This retention timeframe is in consideration of the OAA Audit process—the Association may require a member to provide documents showing their completion of learning hours. (The OAA will continue to upload all ConEd hours for OAA-administered events.)

Adopting a policy that streamlines the administration of the ConEd program is proportionate to the risk to the public. Reporting and monitoring will continue to be thorough and consistent with regulatory best practices, while allowing OAA resources to target the core regulatory function of ensuring and enhancing ongoing member competency.

SHIFT2025 Challenge

Every two years, the OAA Communications and Public Education Committee (CPEC) is tasked with developing the theme for the SHIFT Architecture Challenge—an aspirational, biennial program created to highlight to the public the distinct contribution the architecture profession brings to addressing key societal issues.

Through SHIFT, the OAA challenges the profession to further enhance the public’s perception of architecture as a force that acts as a catalyst for positive social change. It invites those with OAA status, and their collaborative teams, to respond to an identified area of concern using their skills and insights.

At its May 31 meeting, CPEC reviewed past themes (i.e. Infrastructure, Resiliency, and Human Health) and considered timely issues relevant to the profession and society at large. In discussing numerous potential topics, from aging, accessibility, and long-term care to emergency interventions related to natural disasters and conflict, CPEC members felt there was an opportunity to have the SHIFT theme follow the path laid out by the 2025 Conference in Ottawa, which will be where the selections will first be shared on a grand stage.

To that end, the Committee proposed the following theme, which has now been approved by Council: SHIFT2025 Challenge: Reshaping Communities. More information on what this precisely means will be shared in August ahead of the Call for Submissions launched in the fall.

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