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Council Highlights: April 27, 2023

Notes From the Latest Meeting

On April 27, OAA Council met in-person at the OAA Headquarters, with some members joining virtually over Zoom. Executive, Committee Chairs, and Association staff presented updates on various programs and activities, and decisions were made on a range of topics.

As always, its agenda and meeting package were publicly posted on the OAA Website, and anyone interested in virtually attending the open session was able to contact Tina Carfa for the link and additional information.

Appointments and New Committee

OAA member Michelle Grant was appointed Chair of the Experience Requirements Committee (ERC), The ERC derives its mandate from the Architects Act and Regulations. On referral, it determines if an applicant has met the experience requirements prescribed by the Regulations forming part of the eligibility requirements for the issuance of an OAA licence.

Council also approved the terms of reference for a new Continuing Education Advisory Committee. This staff-led committee, comprising members of Council, will provide advice and input to the Manager of Education and Development Ellen Savitsky on the content and delivery of member education in response to the OAA’s mandatory Continuing Education Program. This work will be done in accordance with the OAA’s statutory requirement to maintain and develop standards of knowledge and skill amongst its members and in response to the OAA’s Strategic Plan.



Through OAA President Settimo Vilardi and Executive Director Kristi Doyle, the Association is a participant of the Engineers, Architects & Building Officials (EABO), a joint liaison group established to support industry standards/practices related to the execution and delivery of design and construction work related to the building industry.

EABO helps develop industry best practices through the standardization of forms. One such forms—a new checklist for required occupancy documents—was approved in principle by Council after being reviewed by OAA’s Practice Advisory Services Staff team and the Practice Resource Committee. The checklist will soon be accessed through the OAA Website with more news to come.


Theme for Conference 2024

Council approved the Conference theme for next year, as suggested by the OAA’s Communications & Public Education Committee (CPEC). More information about the event, which is scheduled for May 2024 in Niagara Falls, will be coming shortly.


Housing: Pushing the Envelope

With the passing of the National Housing Strategy Act recognizing adequate housing as a human right, the time is now for swift and thoughtful action. Against the striking backdrop of Niagara Falls, OAA Conference 2024 will bring together a diverse array of architecture experts to explore innovative ideas and solutions for designing safe, inclusive, and sustainable spaces that foster community, health, and well-being.

From cutting-edge technologies to regenerative building principles, and from imaginative adaptive reuse to rethought densities, we will delve into the latest trends and best practices. With a focus on addressing housing challenges in diverse communities—including homes, hospitality, and healthcare—this conference is a unique opportunity to learn, network, and contribute to the collective approach towards creating equitable and inclusive housing in Ontario and beyond. This event invites members to be part of the conversation and explore the many roles architecture professionals can play to have a meaningful impact on the future of housing.


The next regular meeting of Council takes place on June 20 as part of the OAA Annual Conference in Sudbury. 

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