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Bill 23: The Architecture Profession and Allied Communities Respond

Touted by government as its next steps to address housing affordability, Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 received royal assent on November 28, just one month after its introduction. This sweeping legislation brings with it significant changes to the planning and approval system in Ontario.

Although the comment period on Bill 23 was extended to December 9, it appears the government had a mandate to pass the new legislation at the same accelerated pace it passed Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019.

It is important to note that Bill 23 in Ontario is part of a package of new mandates affecting planning and development, including changes to related regulations, the introduction of new municipal housing targets and anticipated consolidation of Provincial plans and policies.

Given the monumental impact of legislation, the OAA hosted a “Big Think” discussion that brought together members of its Policy Advisory Coordination Team (PACT), Sustainable Built Environment Committee (SBEC), and various subject matter experts to flush out the strengths and weaknesses of the legislative proposal. A first of its kind at the OAA, members in attendance expressed their pleasure in participating and their desire for opportunities to consult on other legislative proposals in the future.

The OAA’s submission on Bill 23 can be read elsewhere on the OAA Website.

In addition to contributing to the Association’s Big Think, allied communities have been instrumental in amplifying the discussion about this legislation, and the OAA is pleased to acknowledge their perspectives. Although there may have been some divergence of opinions and positioning on this legislation, there is alignment overall. To read what others had to say, check out the following list of submissions and letters:

  1. Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA) submission.
  2. Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) submission.
  3. The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) submission.
  4. This opinion piece by former Toronto Mayors in the Toronto Star.
  5. This opinion piece by a group of OAA firms in Building magazine.
  6. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada's (RAIC's) letter to Premier Doug Ford.

The OAA continue to monitor legislative announcements and will share updates with the membership. If you have questions about Bill 23 or the OAA’s legislative monitoring and response activities, please email Sara Trotta, OAA Manager of Policy and Government Relations.

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