No. 9 The Culture of Sustainability, which empowers youth to build sustainable communities, is offering architects in Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa a chance to inspire the next generation through its
Imagining My Sustainable Community (IMSC) program. This award-winning immersive initiative informs students in grades 7-9 on the importance of transitioning to a carbon-neutral economy and the impacts of climate change.
The IMSC program focuses on the organization’s 9 Pillars of Sustainability, encouraging students to explore exemplary global projects and collaborate on designing their sustainable community projects. Since its inception in 2011, the program has reached more than 5,000 students across Canada, helping shape young civic-minded leaders ready to make meaningful environmental impacts.
Architect volunteers contribute by lending their expertise in problem-solving, critical thinking, and model building during classroom sessions. By volunteering, architects can earn 25 Structured Learning hours and 2.0 Climate Action hours, which can be applied to their OAA Continuing Education requirements.
Architects interested in getting involved can sign up by contacting Elizabeth Davies, education director of No.9, at For more details visit
No.9's website or check out this
volunteer flyer.