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All OAA Licensed Members Can Now Access CSA Standards on Modular Buildings

In late spring 2022, the Ministry of Municipal Housing and Affairs (MMAH) announced interim amendments to the 2012 Ontario Building Code that are scheduled to come into effect. One specific update allows for multi-residential modular construction (effective July 1). Members may benefit by becoming familiar with the following CSA Standards:

  • CSA A277-16, Procedure for Certification of Prefabricated Buildings, Modules, and Panels;
  • CSA Z240.10.1, Site Preparation, Foundation, and Installation of Buildings; and
  • CSA Z250, Process for Delivery of Volumetric Modular Buildings.

These standards can be accessed for free by OAA licensed members via OAA’s Standards Access Program.

 The OAA secured viewing access for all licensed members to all CSA standards referenced in the National and Ontario building codes through CSA OnDemand. CSA standards are an important reference tool to ensure design and construction meet building code requirements. In upholding its responsibility to serve the public interest, the OAA provides access to the pertinent standards to ensure prohibitive costs are not a barrier to access.

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