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2023 OAA AGM Held Virtually; Watch Online

The OAA’s 133rd Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM) was held as a virtual event on Wednesday, May 3. Approximately 250 people participated in the Zoom meeting, which began with a listing of newly licensed members and also included recognition of past Councillors and Members of Long Standing. (Watch for individual profiles on the blOAAg starting next week.) 

The event was hosted by OAA President Settimo Vilardi and Executive Director Kristi Doyle, and included reports from the Pro-Demnity Insurance Company Board of Directors Chair Debra Krakow, Senior Vice President & Treasurer Ted Wilson, and Immediate Past President Susan Speigel. Settimo’s Presidential Address can be read on the OAA Website.

Licensed members were able to vote virtually. Among the motions that passed were the appointment of Brian Masse (Member of Parliament for Windsor West) and Blaine Nicholls (supporter of Laurentian University’s McEwen School of Architecture) as the Association’s latest Honorary Members. 

The AGM can be viewed on the OAA’s YouTube channel.
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