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Check out the artwork of Architect Howard Rideout, an OAA member and previous SHIFT Challenge selection, based on a masterplan for a Muskoka project.

It took me some time to selected which, of the more than fifty charcoal illustrations that I’ve created over the last five years, would be included within nightlight. The images I finally chose, describe a forested landscape at night, illuminated with natural and man-made light sources. They have been arranged within the exhibition to allow you to discover connections between them. Together they describe a journey into the wilderness I’ve been imagining since was a child.

Creating these artworks has been a personal exploration. I’ve also been mindful to invite others into this work by evoking universal themes. As you visit this exhibition, bring something of yourself along on this journey. Look closely at the artwork to notice the connections I’ve made between each of them. These drawings were created and installed to allow you to visually traverse the trails of nolevelon. I invite you to enjoy the journey. - Howard Rideout

Join Howard on his exhibit Nightlight as he displays a small faction of the artworks that he has created for nolevelon within a public space.


Please note that the Opening Night Party on March 14 will take place from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM. Regular gallery hours (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) will be in effect from March 7 to April 20, except on March 14. 


Howard Rideout was one of the 5 selected projects for the SHIFT2023 Health/Architecture Challenge. His entry—Finding Balance in the Landscape of Muskoka—explored the restorative aspects of creating his project, both mentally and physically, as he has begun constructing the trails and the first of many architectural elements on the property. The routes he designed throughout the forest are linked by sculptural elements, which serve as the focus of his charcoal illustrations. These illustrations represent the initial conceptual images of the pieces that will eventually be built throughout the wilderness. To read more about his winning submission, click here.

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