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SBC | Better Buildings Boot Camp

“This program is a unique opportunity for this next generation of students to experience the integrated design and delivery process on a real project building, together for one week, and to learn from each other as well as from professionals and faculty.”

-Bettina Hoar, SBC Board Member and Boot Camp Project Director

How a building is designed, built, maintained, operated and used can have significant financial, environmental and social impact. In order to affect real change, a holistic and integrated understanding of and approach to the built environment is required, including multiple stakeholders. That’s why SBC created the “Better Buildings Boot Camp” to bring together graduate and diploma students to learn how they can take responsibility for better buildings in the future.

This program was created with input from sustainable building subject matter experts and faculty from George Brown College, Seneca College, University of Toronto, Toronto Metropolitan University and York University. The BBBC continues to expand its reach, bringing in new institutions each year, offering even more opportunities for student participation.

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