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BEAT X Women [RE]Build: Book Launch & Roundtable Discussion

BEAT is thrilled to host a virtual roundtable and book launch for Women [RE]Build: Stories, Polemics, Futures. Women [Re]Build was inspired by the organizing activities of a group of women architecture students who sought to answer questions important to them as young professionals entering into a discipline largely still dominated by outdated postwar corporate practices. The edited book features projects and research of both accomplished academics and practitioners in the field.

Women [RE]Build is exemplary in its mission to combine in one resource reflections on the renewal of feminist thought in architecture (Framing Stories), challenges to practice made possible by activism (Shaping Polemics), and portrayals of inspiring practitioners who pave the way for future women architects (Building Futures). Rarely have so many women’s voices, dedicated to enriching the profession of architecture, been collected in one publication. The book celebrates the work, wisdom, and aspirations of those who have succeeded in surpassing the daily challenges set by this most conservative of professions.

Please join us for an evening of inspiring conversation with editors and contributors Ramona Adlakha, Ramune Bartuskaite, Franca Trubiano, Shirley Blumberg, Nicole Dosso, Annelise Pitts, with a special presentation by Sadie Morgan.

In addition to reviewing the book’s original intentions, the evening’s roundtable discussion will ask particular questions in light of the recent challenges the profession has experienced in the worldwide pandemic. As economic and social conditions have further revealed the disparities that exist for those who study architecture, labor in its design and construction, or live in their buildings, the evening’s conversation will ask “how will we know” when and if things have changed in the industry? Is the industry changing for the better? What are some strategies we can implement to keep the industry moving forward?

Limited space available.

While this event is free to attend, a ticket for entry will be required.
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