The Mississauga Urban Design Awards program is one of the longest-running urban design awards in Ontario. The City has been recognizing excellence and innovation in urban design in Mississauga since 1981. The Call for Submissions for the 2021 Mississauga Urban Design Awards is now open. The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 30, 2021.
Entry Eligibility
The award competition is open to architects, urban designers, planners, landscape architects, heritage architects, professional artists, engineers, developers, contractors, consultants, owners and the general public. Projects must be located within the City of Mississauga and completed by the time of submission.
Award Categories and Judging
- Urban Elements: A standalone object, public art, small-scale building component or landscape element which contributes significantly to the quality of the public realm. This includes infill housing, additions, public art on public or private lands, street furniture, light fixtures, canopies, signage, walkways, stairways or fences.
- Private Project(s) in Context: A building or group of buildings in all types and scales that achieve urban design excellence and is a precedent-setting for a project of its type. Submissions should address how the Project contributes to successful city-building through its contextual relationship, design quality, and sustainable and healthy design measures. Submissions may include residential, employment, commercial, mixed-use, heritage restoration, adaptive re-use buildings, parks, private open spaces or plazas.
- Public Project(s) in Context: A building or group of buildings that serve the public and are accessible to the public. All building types and scales are eligible, including education, healthcare, recreation, cultural, community, civic buildings, heritage restoration and adaptive re-use buildings, bridges, parks, streetscape, public or private open spaces, plazas, landscaped areas or stormwater facilities.
Winners are selected by a jury of members from the professional design community and a representative from the City Council. Awards and judging criteria are available online at the Mississauga Urban Design Awards website.
For more information, please email urban.design@mississauga.ca