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Conference 2021

2021 Virtual Conference | May 17 - 21

Conference Week Sessions Accessible on YouTube

The OAA’s first Virtual Conference Week—Cultivate Inclusivity—has now concluded. However, the events, including all Continuing Education sessions, virtual tours, the Plenary, Recognition Event, and SHIFT2021 Challenge Preview are all available for free, on-demand viewing on the OAA’s YouTube channel. You can watch these videos separately or access an all-inclusive playlist.

Since these on-demand sessions are not live, they are not interactive and do not count for Structured Learning hours. Under the OAA’s Continuing Education program, Structured Learning must include an interactive or test component. Therefore, these sessions are offered as Unstructured Learning. Members need to self-report on their transcripts any unstructured hours gained after Conference by watching the ‘on-demand’ sessions they did not see live.


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Conference Program

Check out the full Conference program details which includes virtual ConEd sessions, Tours, sponsored sessions and Special Events.

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ConEd Sessions

This year’s Virtual Conference offers the ability for registrants to attend an all-inclusive roster of ConEd sessions. 

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Special Events

Conference special events includes a mentorship panel, recognition for newly licensed members, the SHIFT2021 Celebration, wellness sessions and a plenary panel on net-zero buildings. 

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Registration & Pricing

This year, we’re offering a reduced rate for our Virtual Conference Week with all-inclusive pricing. See below for registration and pricing details.

2021 Conference Sponsors

    The OAA would like to thank its generous sponsors for supporting the 2021 OAA Annual Conference.

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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.

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Check out the OAA BLOAAg, an inclusive space for member engagement and OAA features.

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Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our online form.