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Sustainability Beyond Insulation: Urban Multigenerational Co-housing in Germany - ​This session has been cancelled

This session has been cancelled.

McEwen School of Architecture, MSoA Classroom

1.5 ConEd Learning Hours

1.5 AIA LU

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


“we-house” is the brand for multigenerational urban co-housing projects developed by Archy Nova, a German sustainable housing developer established in 1984. These projects involve the conversion of existing structures, such as bunkers, or the construction of new buildings using timber-hybrid construction. The apartments and flats offered come in various types, including subsidized housing, and feature abundant common areas, co-working spaces, urban farming, and neighbourhood cafés or restaurants.

Learning Objectives

  1. L earn about the advantages of multigenerational urban co-housing projects.
  2. Gain an accessible overview of the German Building Energy Act—its key provisions, requirements, and potential impact on building energy efficiency and sustainability.
  3. Understand the issue of affordable housing in Germany, with a focus on the government’s role in providing and promoting access to affordable housing.
  4. Understand the barriers to sustainable housing developments in Germany.

Yannik Hansen-Schütz, M.Eng., MBA, is the second-generation leader of Archy Nova Development, a family-owned business that was established by his father, Gerd Hansen, 40 years ago. With a focus on the highest social and sustainable standards, Archy Nova develops residential real estate projects, co-housing projects under their “we-house” brand, as well as their unique “SolArc” earth-mound houses. Yannik oversees a highly skilled and motivated team of professionals in planning and execution of the projects and is personally responsible for acquiring and initiating projects, including project funding, public aid, and marketing strategies. He is a registered professional with the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and is poised to continue Archy Nova’s success as a leading developer of sustainable and socially responsible real estate projects.

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