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Business Structure, Risk Management, Data, and ISO 9001 for Architects

Location: Laurentian Main campus, room C-204

1.5 ConEd Learning Hours 

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Structuring your practice to manage risks and keeping records to better understand business planning and anticipate change will promote a resilience to your practice. Combined with ISO 9001 Certification, this can help create a competitive advantage for your practice while also providing a good structure to improve your business for future opportunities.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the fundamentals of ISO 9001 Certification, its risk management approach, and application to architectural practice.
  2. Understand elements of data collection that can assist business planning and decision making.
  3. Gain an understanding of how risk management can be of benefit to marketing a practice.
  4. Develop systems to organize your practice to take on new opportunities.

Toon Dreessen, OAA, FRAIC, AIA, LEED AP, is a graduate of Carleton University and recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi medal. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and was inducted into the RAIC College of Fellows in 2016 and received the OAA’s Order of da Vinci in 2020. Toon leads Architects DCA, which has roots dating back more than 40 years and is ISO 9001:2015 certified; he is responsible for award-winning projects in infill development, laboratory, research, and industrial sectors. He leads the company’s activism in the role of architecture in social justice, gender equity, fiscal responsibility, and the role of architects in a strategic, visionary, and thoughtful planning. Toon served six years on OAA Council, including two as president, and continues to serve on Association committees. He is a recognized public speaker and published author in local and national media including CBC Radio, the Globe and Mail, and Ottawa Citizen.


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