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Passive House Pulse Toronto: Sammon Passive House Tour

TIME: 5:30 PM -7:30 PM
LOCATION: 51 Sammon Ave, Toronto, M4J 1Y7

Join Passive House Pulse Toronto for an in-person tour of Ontario’s first EnerPHit-certified detached family home, Sammon House. The event will include the tour as well as a presentation on the process of delivering the project. The owners of the house will be present for the event, who will discuss why they decided to build a house to the Passive House standard as they share their experience of living in one for the past two years.

Learning objectives:
• Review key components of Passive House in single detached houses
• Understand the client goals regarding performance and indoor air quality
• Review the successes and setbacks of the design and construction process of the project

Designer: Coolearth Architecture
Passive House Certification: Peel Passive House

About the Speaker:
Germán Vaisman, 
MBSc, B.Arch, CPHD, Director of Sustainability, Hariri Pontarini Architects 
Germán believes in a world with low carbon emission and focused his architectural career on Passive House after he heard about it in a conference 10 years ago. He has worked for firms in Argentina, Israel, and Canada where he specialized in high performance building enclosures and sustainability. He is also a trainer for Passive House Canada and a strong advocate of the Passive House concept. He joined the Steering Committee of Toronto’s Carbon Leadership Forum and currently works as the Director of Architectural Sustainability at Hariri Pontarini Architects.

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