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Joyful Street Architecture

TIME: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST

100architects believe "play" is the purest form of creativity, thus, they treat cities as playgrounds for citizens, regardless of their age or social status, encouraging learning through play and social interactions.

Marcial Jesus is the founder and chief director of 100architects. He founded the company back in 2013 in Shanghai with the mission of improving our cities and the experience of citizens in the public realm, by providing high-quality, innovative, and stimulating public spaces, inclusive & accessible to everyone. Prior to founding 100architects, he gained international work experience at BENOY in the UK, HASSELL in Australia, FUKSAS in Italy and OMA in Holland.

Join this webinar to hear from Marcial about 100Architects' innovative, joyful and playful design approach.
*Members of OPPI who attend may be able to claim participation as learning units under the Institute’s Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program. For more information, please consult the CPL Program Guide.

Attendance Policy: Members are required to attend at least 80% of a webinar in order to qualify for Continuing Education learning hours.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the webinar in order to receive a refund. Webinar fees are not refunded if the cancellation is received after the deadline or if you are unable to attend.

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