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Integrating BIM & Spec Design Processes

TIME: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Specifiers and designers have envisioned an integrated design process for decades. Separate design processes for modeling and specifications require higher levels of collaboration and time, while inevitably introducing errors. These errors and omissions can cause 5-10% or more of the project cost, a perception of poor quality in the design, delays in operations, and more.

Designers need integration and coordination in their design process to improve time to delivery and reduce RFIs, addenda, and change orders. Without making changes to BIM models, designers can link the elements and materials to the required specifications and other documents.

This webinar will show you how to pilot a project you just completed without the integration, create the model key links to the specs in the project submission and see what errors and omissions are flagged. Get ready to push out an addendum as all firms have found issues using this automated coordination process.

Learning Objectives:
• Integrate models and specs to identify errors and omissions – so you can correct them
• Improve design quality
• Reduce non-recoverable cost
• Improve design processes and team collaboration
• Save time in design through process integration

Seamus McGrady,
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer at Chalkline, Inc. has 18+ years of experience in the AECO market and over 30 years at software engineering startup companies. Prior to Chalkline, McGrady served as VP of Sales and Marketing at InterSpec, developer of e-SPECS, for almost 10 years. McGrady has developed strong relationships throughout the AECO market with both partners and customers with a focus on delivering clients solutions that are easy to implement and bring a rapid return on investment. McGrady holds a BS in Electrical Engineering.

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