Brian Nash, the founder of Haliburton Solar and Wind and current owner of Nash Renewables, facilitated the Renewable Energy Design Basics course for the OAA. Brian is on the local community climate action plan, and an advocate for thoughtful and purpose filled living.
Brian is an international solar developer and trainer, specializing in advanced off grid and hybrid grid tied battery based systems. He has been recognized for landmark projects that exemplify a high degree of technological innovation, uniqueness, economic feasibility, and benefits to the environment and society. Brian created an educational center and alternative energy park in Haliburton, Ontario for the public to promote awareness, provide education, and to demonstrate various energy options. Brian is the founder of Haliburton Solar and Wind, a North American award winning company specializing in alternative energy applications now under new ownership.
About the Session:
Our commitment to mitigate climate change has brought about an energy revolution. As we move into an all-electric world it becomes more imperative that our architectural intentions incorporate best energy practices.
Moving forward, the utility grid level challenges are enormous. As we move into this new energy future it will become more apparent that homeowners and Commercial Enterprise need to embrace energy security through battery energy storage systems and alternative energy generation.
Architectural intent can be emboldened through careful consideration in context to site planning, building orientation, roof style and structure. Independent Power Systems that couple with the grid for exceptional loads require purpose-built rooms for code compliance. Battery chemistries are now offered in a variety of formats all of which are purposed towards a specific energy function. Solar integrated into the roof structure can provide heat recovery and provide great Aesthetics.
The options are considerable and constantly expanding. Homeowners will be demanding that consideration be made towards how they can incorporate energy security and resilience into their home design.