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What is in the OBC SB-10 Update? -Ontario gets serious about Energy Use in New Buildings

Toronto - October 15, 2012
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Ottawa - October 19, 2012
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The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing OBC SB-10 updates went into effect on January 1, 2012. Since the introduction of SB-10 the Ministry has telegraphed its intent to develop the Ontario building code into a leader in building energy efficiency. To that end the SB-10 updates require new buildings to exceed the Model National Energy Code (1997) by 25%. Of course prescriptive paths are required for those not using energy modeling to achieve this performance levels. The prescriptive path is a modified implementation of ASHRAE 90.1-2010 with ASHRAE 189-2009 (189 is ASHRAE’s design standard for High Performance Green Buildings) envelope performance. This half day workshop focuses on the prescriptive path to compliance with SB-10, though some performance (energy modeling) will be discussed.

The session will introduce architects to the prescriptive requirements (90.1-2010 with 189-2009 and other SB-10 revision) now in effect under SB-10. Particular emphasis will be placed on thermal bridging and the prominence the new code places on continuous insulation in wall systems. Some common wall systems used in the marketplace which are no longer code compliant under the prescriptive path will be shown, along with example design options on how to achieve compliance. Fenestration system performance will also be reviewed under the new code requirements. Envelope performance trade-off paths will also be discussed. Finally, a brief overview of mechanical electrical requirements will be presented.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the enclosure thermal performance requirements in the new building code
  • Develop an understanding on the difference between whole wall thermal performance and the nominal rated R-value of insulation installed in a wall system, as well as sources of information to determine whole wall thermal performance
  • Develop an understanding whole fenestration performance and sources of information in determining whole fenestration performance for project estimating
  • Learn about envelope trade performance to meet code requirements as well as whole building performance paths

Steve Kemp, M.A.Sc., B.Sc., B.Eng., P.Eng., is a sustainable design consultant with Enermodal Engineering and the Division Head of Building Energy and Research. His projects have highlighted low energy consumption building without sacrificing environmental quality. His career has been highly varied, starting in energy modeling of low energy cooling where he developed algorithms for desiccant and evaporative cooling processes. He later developed the energy modeling algorithms for a number of software programs modeling HVAC, fenestration and solar systems. As a number of real world low energy project came to fruition Steve was involved in monitoring their performance as well as troubleshooting and commissioning the various energy buildings and systems.

Steve as been a CaGBC faculty member since 2007, and since 1999 has been developing and delivering a continuing education workshops to building designers for Natural Resources Canada, Architecture Canada, and numerous other industry organizations. The topics have included renewable energy systems, retrofitting existing buildings, high performance HVAC systems and sustainable design.

Steve has undergraduate degrees in Physics and Engineering as well as a Masters of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering. He is a registered professional engineer in Ontario, the President of the Canadian Chapter of IBPSA, and chairs the CaGBC Energy & Engineering Technical Advisory Group.

Contact Jon Clark at

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