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The Hand-off + Staying in Shape: Operations, Maintenance + Education

Session IX: The Hand-off + Staying in Shape: Operations, Maintenance + Education

Time: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Toronto: Thursday, May 26, 2016
Old Mill Toronto, 21 Old Mill Road, Toronto, ON, M8C 1G5 


  • Kevin Farbridge, P.Eng, LEED Green Associate
  • John Kokko, P.Eng., CCP, LEED® AP BD+C
  • Jiri Skopek, AA Dip., OAA, MCIP, RIBA

Design intent is important, but at the end of the day, how the building actually performs is really what matters. The closer the match between predicted and observed performance, the more likely a client will be happy. This session will explore the tools available to an architect to help match performance with expectations, including building commissioning, maintenance staff and occupant training, and building performance monitoring. Using building performance data to validate and improve on design and construction decisions will also be explored—providing a strong tool for iterative learning and innovation.

OAA+2030 Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the benefits of monitoring, evaluation, and education to design firms, clients, and building occupants.
  • Explain and advocate for commissioning on projects.
  • Instruct building maintenance and operations staff on optimizing building performance.


Individual Sessions

OAA members - $125 + HST
Non-members - $150 + HST

10-Session Package

OAA members - $985 + HST
Non-members - $1185 + HST


To register for this individual session or the full OAA+2030 Professional Series, please click here.

For more information please contact: 
416.449.6898 ext. 232

*This session is part of the OAA+2030 Professional Education Series. OAA+2030 gives design professionals the knowledge to create next-generation, super-efficient buildings -- and provbides firms with the skills that will set them apart in the marketplace. For more information on the series, and to view other sessions, please visit the series website.

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