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TSA Technical Series: Values Alignment in Practice

TIME: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST

From sustainability to accessibility, our industry knows change is needed to address the myriad of pressing social and environmental issues present in our built environment. However, amidst these conversations about transformation, there’s often a glaring oversight: the way we practice and how we take care of the people who design, construct and support the creation of our built environment. The competitive, fast-paced nature of the AEC industry often leaves little time or space for negotiation or implementation of anything other than the norm. Even with the best intentions, implementing changes can feel daunting and risky, especially for small offices with limited resources. 

Is there a way forward to change the way we practice? And are there any precedents for modes of practice that prove value alignment and business success can work side by side?

Join the TSA for a one-hour virtual lecture with People Design Co-Op and Building Up, two Toronto-based organizations committed to values-led and values-aligned practices in the building industry. During the talk they will share their unique non-profit models and how it has contributed to their goals of transforming the building industry through practice. Topics will include innovative strategies such as structuring the practice as a non-profit to ensure decisions are mandate-focused, integrating supplier diversity into the bidding process, and creating efficient and meaningful partnerships between aligned organizations. Through their experiences, we’ll explore challenges, lessons learned, and the potential for real impact when values shape practice in the service of people and the planet.   

Learning Objectives:
- Learn about two non-profit organizations in the design and construction industry.
- Understand what values-led practices are, how they work, and their significance of working together within the building industry.
- Gain insight on what leading with values looks like in practice. 
- Learn about the challenges and lessons that come with shifting practice and why these approaches add value to the design and construction industry.
- Identify the benefits of leading with values that center people and the planet, both in small and large scale systems.

$15+HST General Admission, FREE for TSA Members!

TSA MEMBERS: This event is free for TSA Members using the discount code found in the TSA Bulletin and on your Member Dashboard! Not a member yet? Membership is open to everyone and you can join here (student memberships are free!).

OAA MEMBERS: This lecture is eligible for 1 OAA Structured Learning Hour with the Ontario Association of Architects. When registering, please include your full name as registered with the OAA to ensure your certificate of participation is credited properly. Please also include an email address you check frequently to ensure you receive your certificate in a timely manner.

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