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TSA Technical Series: Planning, Development and Archaeology in Toronto

TIME: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST

Ontario’s archaeological sites present a fragile and non-renewable cultural legacy, containing within them the physical remains of the province’s 12,000 years of cultural history. Documenting and protecting these sites has become especially important in the quickly developing context of the GTA and southern Ontario, where the rapid pace of development has resulted in extensive losses of the archeological record. So given their importance, how do you determine whether a site you are working on has archeological potential and what are the next steps to working on such sites? 

Development applications in Ontario are evaluated for their potential impacts to archaeological resources, frequently leading to formal archaeological assessments and mitigations being made conditions of approval. Over the past two decades, the trend towards intensification on under-used properties in the older parts of the city and the redevelopment of brownfield lands has led to a dramatic increase in the number of urban archaeological projects that cultural resource management (CRM) firms must undertake. However, this type of archaeology is very different from the work that most CRM archaeologists are used to, often leading to decisions or actions that are not necessarily sound. Compounding the problem, the regulatory framework that guides archaeological practice in the context of development gives little recognition of the character of urban archaeology.

During this one-hour virtual lecture, David Robertson of Archaeological Services Inc. (ASI) will provide a general introduction to archaeological assessments within the municipal planning process and explore, in greater detail, the challenges of assessments and mitigations on urban sites, and what this work can tell us about our city’s past.

$15+HST General Admission, FREE for TSA Members!

Helpful Resources:
The Toronto Archeological Potential Map, City of Toronto
- Archeological Management Plan for the City of Toronto 

TSA MEMBERS: This event is free for TSA Members using the discount code found in the TSA Bulletin and on your Member Dashboard! Not a member yet? Membership is open to everyone and you can join here (student memberships are free!).

OAA MEMBERS: This lecture is eligible for 1 OAA Structured Learning Hour with the Ontario Association of Architects. When registering, please include your full name as registered with the OAA to ensure your certificate of participation is credited properly. Please also include an email address you check frequently to ensure you receive your certificate in a timely manner.

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