TIME: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
A webinar on understanding and avoiding water-related defects in residential and commercial construction.
A building leak has four components, and there is no leak, properly understood, without all four: (1) a source of water; (2) a pathway for that water to travel from where it is to someplace we do not want it to be; (3) a driving force to push water along that pathway; and (4) something that can be damaged as a result. Thinking about leaks in this way helps us to understand important missed opportunities in architecture when it comes to controlling water in buildings. For example, we obsess over sealing potential water pathways but often overlook design strategies and products that help us practice source control and minimize the driving forces, without which there is no leak. Rather than policing the detailing of every fastener or trying to anticipate every installation defect, this line of thinking leads us to strategies that are both far less expensive than the most common approaches and far more effective in reducing risk.
In this lecture with Christine Williamson of Building Science Fight Club, we will outline the three fundamentally different water-management strategies in buildings, discuss the importance of distinguishing between them, and present simple approaches to detailing to minimize risk for each strategy.
TSA MEMBERS: This event is free for TSA members. Not a member yet? Membership is open to everyone and you can join here (student memberships are free!).
OAA MEMBERS: When registering, please include your full name as registered with the OAA to ensure your certificate of participation is credited properly. Please also include an email address you check frequently to ensure you receive your certificate in a timely manner.
Attendance Policy: Members are required and MUST attend at least 80% of a webinar in order to qualify for Continuing Education learning hours.