Time: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET
The RAIC Congress on Architecture will take place virtually on October 4th which is World Architecture Day. The RAIC Congress on Architecture brings professionals together to ignite action, strengthen connections, and share ideas on a single issue of importance to the profession. The inaugural RAIC Congress on Architecture will address Climate Action and Architecture in Canada. Over the past year, the RAIC hosted a series of virtual events leading into the 2021 Congress on Architecture including a kick-off virtual event on World Architecture Day 2020, a four-episode podcast series, and a panel discussion at the 2021 RAIC Virtual Conference on Architecture. This final event will feature a panel discussion from subject matter experts on climate action, and a World Café dialogue.
The World Café methodology is a flexible format for hosting a large group dialogue through rounds of conversation for small groups within breakout rooms. Each round is prefaced with a question specially crafted for the specific context and desired purpose of the World Café. After these rounds of conversations attendees are invited to share their insight or other results from their conversations with the rest of the group. Continuing education certificates for 5 (five) hours will be issued to participants after completing the feedback survey–through the RAIC Learning Management System (RAIC LMS).
This is a virtual event being hosted through Zoom.