Our presentation will introduce the innovative technology of Agilia Screed A, a pump-applied, free flowing, self consolidating synthetic anhydrite screed. This highly flexible product is easy to work with, and yields a smooth, flat surface with minimal or no cracking and curling. Screed A is the ideal topping for radiant floor heating systems due to its high thermal conductivity and reduced thickness. Don’t forget to ask about acoustic improvements as well!
Main Content Includes:
- What is anhydrite screed
- Screed A as a green product
- Comparison between Screed A and other conventional flooring materials
- Screed A with various flooring system applications
- Why Screed A can save been proved to be an ideal solution for radiant floor heating system
- Q & A
To arrange a lunch and learn, please contact:
Maranda Bennett - CPA, CMA
Value Added Products Specialist
Eastern Ontario Region
Lafarge Canada - Building Better Cities™
1651 Bearbrook Road, Ottawa, ON K1G 3K2
Mobile: (613) 229-1415 | Office: (613) 691-2501
Fax: (613) 482-3932 Email: maranda.bennett@lafargeholcim.com www.buildingbettercities.ca | www.lafargeholcim.com
Taras Saplywyj
Value Added Products Specialist
Lafarge Canada - Building Better Cities™
525 Victoria Ave., N, Hamilton, ON L8L 8G7
Mobile: +1 (289) 442-1753
Email: taras.saplywyj@lafarge.com | www.lafarge-na.com
www.buildingbettercities.ca | www.lafargeholcim.com