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Con-Ed Opportunities Detail


Natural Area Restorations in Southern Ontario by Dr. Mhairi McFarlane


Thursday, May 21, 2020 |12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Sessions cost $35, and registration is required
(registration closes Monday, May 18).

The OALA Staff and Council have re-imagined the previously planned AGM & Conference to now be a completely virtual experience.

Events will take place on several dates throughout May and June, 2020. 

Speaker: Dr Mhairi McFarlane - Nature Conservancy of Canada

Dr. McFarlane will discuss the at-scale restoration work the Nature Conservancy of Canada is doing in Norfolk and on Pelee Island with native plants, pollinators, birds and more; and what others can do in their own backyard or balcony. As well, she will touch on measuring the success of this type of restoration with citizen science.

To register and for more info:

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