King is manufactures prepackaged, preblended mortar’s and cellfill grouts for new construction and heritage restoration.
We are located in Oakville, and offer 2 unique presentations for you to choose from.
1) Mortars for Heritage Restoration
Participants will be informed of the history of mortars, the types of binders that have been used, and the differences between them. All of this will be done while trying to determine the best binder for specific historic restoration projects.
Learning Objectives:
• learn the necessary basic knowledge to make your own decisions;
• understand the importance of selecting the right mortar;
• and to see how mortars are part of a system.
2) Mortars and Grouts for New Construction
Participants will be informed of the current standards as they apply to mortars & grouts in new construction, the benefits of using lime in mortars, the various binders available and the importance of permeable mortars.
Learning Objectives:
• to help you select the right mortars and grouts, and the selection of binders types;
• review bricklaying standards and determine which standards apply;
• learn about the types of mortars and grouts, and where how they should be used.
To arrange a lunch and learn:
Brandon Bernard, CTR
Technical Sales Representative, King Masonry Products