Time: 10:00 AM ET
What is interiority today, in relation to privacy, identity and an inner silence? How have Modernist typologies steered us away from other space types, the byzantine routes of intrigue, magic, and shadows? The pattern of spaces and materiality instilled by Modernist thinking has percolated deep into pedagogy, design, and practice for good or for bad. How do we understand this in relation to the ‘home’ and how can we be ‘at home’ and more generous in our world today? How does the dialectic between human connection which requires communication, and human self-determination and self-expression which require privacy and control play off each other?Is the sacredness embedded or not in our understanding of Modernism? Does an Aural architecture lend itself to sacred spaces, that foster a feeling at home with self and others? How does it lead to humanistic and generous spaces?
For more information visit: https://mindfulhabitats.ca/whats-in-a-home/