Time: 7:00 PM ET
The descent of Modernism into aestheticism parallels mindfulness’ collapse into the self-soothing marketplace: both have fallen from their original intentions into parody and commodity. How have the concepts of mindfulness and Modernism come to be used and abused? Are there aspects of Modernism and mindfulness worthy of redemption and resurrection? Moving beyond McMindfulness and McModernism, Ron Purser and Gregory Burgess reframe the agenda of a Mindful Modernism and a Modern Mindfulness by revisiting the self’s relationship with space. By building a dialectic centred on consciousness, collectiveness, community, and culture, the discussion “walks backward into the future,” seeking either the liberation of the modern mind or liberation from the Modern mind.
For more information visit: https://mindfulhabitats.ca/the-use-and-abuse-of-mindfulness/