Attend this course to learn about innovative approaches for integrating green (vegetated) roofs and walls with other green building services to reduce or eliminate energy inputs from unsustainable sources and enhance economic and health performance. Topics include: intake air cooling, photovoltaics, air freshening, bio-energy production, moderation of heat loss and gain through the building envelope, and more!
Instructor Greg Allen, P. Eng., LEED® AP, is an award-winning mechanical engineer who has worked to advance sustainability for over 40 years.
Tuition is $199 (or $175 for GRHC members) and includes a detailed reference manual. This course is approved for continuing education credits by GBCI, AIA CES and LA CES.
Reserve your seat now by visiting
Contact for questions: Jordan Richie, GRP, Director, Education and Accreditation, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, or 416-971-4494 ext. 221.