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LEED V4 – what do you need to be ready for and when

Presenter: Mike Williams, B.E.Sc., M.Sc., LEED AP Technical Director, Sustainability

Time: 12:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


The LEED rating system was first launched 17 years ago as a pilot in the US with the goal to incentivize design and construction projects beyond code compliance to new levels of performance. Since its inception LEED has seen impressive levels of adoption – the USGBC now certifies 1.85 Million ft2 per day. However, in some regions the building to code has nearly caught up with LEED resulting in achievement of LEED certification requiring little effort beyond compliance with building code performance requirements.  Such is the need for a major update to the LEED rating system.

LEED Version 4 (LEED v4) was first announced at GreenBuild in 2013 and represents a major overhaul to both the technical and administrative aspects of the rating system. As of October 2016 all newly registered projects will be required to utilize the new LEED v4 suite of tools.

This webinar will highlight some of the key technical and administrative changes to LEED to help you and your projects get ready for this shift.

Learning objectives:

1. Keys areas of increased stringency

2. New requirements to address the environmental impact of materials

3. Introduction to LEED v4 resources (reference guides, LEED Online, credit libraries)

4. Summary of key dates for the sunset of current LEED rating tools and for the roll out of LEED v4

Link to register: 

Contact for Questions:  Colleen Golka, 

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