Time: 9:30AM - 4:30PM
Location: 1300 Britannia Road East unit 206, Mississauga, ON.
Fees (including handouts, lunch and refreshments): CAD 620 +HST
This course is an introduction for Construction Contract Administration that can qualify you for a CA (Contract Administrator) jobs. This course will be taken in 2 days (12 hours) will cover the material stated below and including some activity and workshop as well.
Course Outline:
- Preparation of a project and the process of having the contracts
- Contract types and Project Delivery types.
- Type of Project Bidding and List of Bid Package requirements.
- Insurance and bond types.
- Award the contract.
- Documentation related to Site work / Construction Phase.
- Take-over Procedures, Commissioning and Post-OccupancyEvaluations.
- Dispute Resolution Steps.
- Construction Liens.
- Some software used in the market (it vary depends on client and/or consultant's preferences).
Who should attend:
- Contract Administrator, Architects, Interior designer, Engineers, Developers, and Contractors.
Instructor: Ashraf Hanna, MRAIC, CCCA
Course Info: http://www.cecourses.ca/architectural
To register, please contact:
(416) 900- 8670