Potential changes to the Building Code included in the second round of consultation include the possibility of allowing wood frame buildings of up to six storeys. Buildings with residential, mercantile, office and mixed use occupancies would be subject to consultation, as would buildings with wood frame construction on top of one or two storey concrete construction ( “podium portion” of a building). Consistent with the Building Code’s objectives of fire safety and structural sufficiency, potential changes to allow six storey wood frame buildings would have to meet all the requirements of four storey wood frame buildings plus a number of additional measures.
This seminar will examine in detail the implications of six storey wood buildings and cover the following topics:
Fire prevention | Acoustics | Occupant safety | Combustible/non-combustible | Engineeried products (CLT) | Hybrid of concrete and wood | Cost effective materials and combinations (economic scales)
For more information or to register, click here. Questions about this event should be directed to Vivian Do at buildABILITY: 416-961-3487 or training@buildability.ca